Charity copywriter: maximise your impact with
compassionate storytelling
compassionate storytelling
As a charity copywriter with a diplomatic, journalistic approach, I can give your stories the authenticity and warmth they need for the highest impact. I help charities and not-for-profits make the most of limited resources. Consider me your reliable go-to when you can’t find support in-house or juggle too many tasks.
Which is best – a freelance charity copywriter or agency?

Agency staff move on, which means building a relationship from scratch with somebody new. I’m a not-for-profit and charity copywriter who stays the course, getting to know you and helping you produce compelling content that aligns with your communications strategy.

Hire experience combined with a fresh perspective

Like any good copywriter, I can turn my hand to any subject. But my experience in writing and editing for charities and not-for-profits means I appreciate the challenges you face while bringing a fresh perspective to your stories.
Since 2001, I’ve written, edited, and proofread for many charities and not-for-profits. Keep Britain Tidy became a client in 2018 and the Association of Eye Care Providers, and the Association for Primary Care Audiology Providers – in 2019.

Whether interviewing and writing some of our compassionate and impactful patient stories or pulling together the charity’s Impact Report, Alison tailors her skills and writing to different audiences, always keeping the charity’s voice and messaging at the forefront. She is personable, professional, and a great support.
Camilla Raca, communications manager, The Air Ambulance Service