Proofreader helps Keep Britain Tidy maximise its impact

The Keep Britain Tidy logo. Error-free content is important to the charity.

Sector: Charity (environmental)

Client: Keep Britain Tidy

Services: Editing and proofreading

How I help: Using my talent for ensuring error-free content, I help Keep Britain Tidy to be as spotless in its marketing communications as it is with its message to eliminate litter in Britain.


Keep Britain Tidy is an independent charity. It first asked Harmer Editorial to edit elements of its campaign content and make them error-free in 2018. Keep Britain Tidy’s vision is ‘a clean and healthy environment, rich in wildlife and valued by people who love where they live’. Therefore, it focuses its attention on eliminating litter and waste, improving places and helping people live more sustainably.


Keep Britain Tidy’s campaign manager sought a proofreader with a keen eye for typos who could keep the charity’s campaigns concise and on message. As she often required quick turnarounds, she requested a laser focus on mistakes. It was essential to make the content as free from mistakes as possible.


Much of the copy that the charity passes to me includes short content, such as out-of-home, press releases, posters and digital sheets. Consequently, I can proofread the designs and turn them around quickly. Other proofs include an Impact Report about the Great British Spring Clean – one of Keep Britain Tidy’s main campaigns.


My speedy turnaround and focus on detail enable the charity to meet urgent deadlines with spotless PDFs that match its tone of voice and strengthen its cause.


Alison is the best proofreader I’ve come across. She is incredibly accurate and reliably speedy in her turnaround.

Helen Bingham, director of communications, Keep Britain Tidy

Read about Keep Britain Tidy

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