A newsletter writer who gets
more out of every story you want to tell
more out of every story you want to tell
Your newsletter is a powerful storytelling tool, but do you have the skill set to tell news stories that hook your readers and make them want to read further?
You need a journalism-trained newsletter writer who can master your brief and craft messages that land right – varied for every audience.
How to win the battle for people’s interest

No one has time to read long sentences or ponder their meaning. You’ll win the battle for reader attention with news written by a trained journalist because I can get points across quickly.
I’ll explain things simply so readers understand what you’re saying and generate audience engagement and trust by stripping away jargon, repetition, and tired clichés.

How collaboration produces a trusted newsletter

As a seasoned newsletter writer, I will work closely with you and your teams to research and develop employee news or a customer magazine that enhances trust in your organisation.
Whether you need a one-off newsletter, help with individual stories or a regular series, I can handle it with minimal guidance.

Give your internal communications some zest
As an IoIC Fellow and awards judge, I humanise internal communications and give them more zing. I ask open-ended questions to find the best stories, personalise your content and build an exciting narrative. I can even handle the approvals process – one less task for you.
Newsletter writing case study
News writing raises organic searches on High Sheriff website by 40%
When Dr Julie Llewelyn became High Sheriff of Surrey (2021-22), she had plenty to write about but little time. As her newsletter writer, I devised a service that achieved a 40% rise in organic searches on the website.
What did the client think? Find out.