Take your award entry writing from so-so
to soaring
to soaring
Award entry writing can be a real struggle. From showcasing your product to proving it’s unique, writing about your achievements is challenging.
I can’t guarantee a win, but about 80% of the inspirational award entries I have written reached their competition finals and many clients have lifted a trophy.

I’m a judge

One secret of my awards-writing success for clients is my experience as a judge. I’m a regular judge of the Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) awards. Each award is peer-reviewed, giving them extra kudos and making the IoIC awards highly sought-after.
Alison is a Fellow of the IoIC and, as such, has demonstrated that she is working to the highest standards and has extensive experience in the internal communication profession.

I’ve won awards, too
I understand the language of award-writing, having won multiple IoIC awards for printed and online employee publications since 1998. As well as many awards of excellence for corporate clients, I’ve won two overall class awards – one for an agency’s client and another as best freelance/interim.
Award-entry writing case study
Focus on product benefits wins awards for Ageas UK
Nearly 60% of award entries have been shortlisted, and 40% have won since I began writing insurance award entries for Ageas UK in 2017.
What did the client think? Find out.